Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Hello all!

Not much has been going on with me. I'm just getting ready to go salsa. Woo hoo! I found a salsa place last night after dinner (hot dogs and fries). How 'bout that traditional Spanish food! I only really eat traditional spanish food when I'm at home. When I'm out, it's cheaper to eat french fries and kebab. Oh yeah, the tapas are cheap too. I'll get some pictures of those.
Anyway, I ran into a salsa place, and I can't wait to go and try to use the moves that Matt taught me. (
I also visited an Assemblies of God church. It was a little different, but I really needed to go. I have been so blessed to come to the European Union and have better accommodations then most other people. I met some new people who really like to hug! I'm not much of a hugger, but I reckon that will change by the time I go back to the states.

Last week, I taught my night students about cheating in Golf and how to play poker. We're going to play a proper poker game next week. Let's see how that goes. I'm also going to teach them how to play bridge. So you didn't know that I was a bridge player? Neither did I, my friends. Neither did I. Well, I'll catch you later. I'm going to make my commute to the center of the city and salsa!

Pura Vida!

P.S.- So I just learned that I'm a peregrino (pilgrim) and not a guiri which means my blog should've been called "Ramblings of a peregrino". ¡Jolín! (shoot!) The word guiri sounds cooler to me. :)


francis said...

I'm love that i can live vicariously through you via your blog posts. Keep them coming!

Dbvais said...

Por supuesto!

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